Friday, March 16, 2012

Daily IG Newsletter - Bioware Responds to ME3 Ending Hate

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Bioware Intends to Respond to Mass Effect 3 Ending Hate
They're just avoiding SPOILERS…   Continue >>
Rumor: Bethesda to Reveal Elder Scrolls MMO
Alternatively -- a multiplayer mod to Skyrim…   Continue >>
Notch Says Nice Things About Origin
But we all agreed that it was terrible!   Continue >>
Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition Announced
Trying so hard to avoid DnD puns here…   Continue >>
Cross Counter's Street Fighter X Tekken Invitational
The VOD is up, and someone got infinite'd…   Continue >>
On Yesterday's IGDaily:
8=D...   Watch Now >>
Your Daily YouSaid Question:
Corey Clark (@CoreyClarkYC93):
Doesn't GabeN's new facial hair make you want to do dirty, disgusting, sexual things to him? #YouSaids
Lawrence "Judy is your Viet Nam" Sonntag (@InsideGaming):
Well yeah but I always did. I suppose the beard makes the stuff I want to do to him even dirtier and disgusting..ier.
And before you go, here is the best picture ever:
BUT WAIT! Here's a Steam code for Vessel:

PLEASE NOTE this is a one-time use code included in all newsletters. If it doesn't work for you, someone already grabbed it.

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