First of all let me explain how this blog is run. The blog has a special e-mail address and it is set to publish anything that I forward to it. Naturally I forward all game related things such as newsletters and any information I get about new games that maybe haven't come out in the open yet (rumors and hints).
However approximately 3 days ago it seems someone got ahold of my auto-forwarding gmail account address and decided to spam it. I have since blocked this address and reported it to gmail, then changed the address I use to auto-forward to this blog. If you see another spam post on this blog, please inform me by commenting on the post, it will allow me to isolate the people doing this and shut them down for good.
Your assistance and patience is much appreciated, thank you for supporting and reading the crazy gamer's guide and I look forward to your continued enjoyment and support.
CrescentSkies (or Michael Ward, whichever you prefer)