Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Daily IG Newsletter - Xbox 720 Rumors, Kid Icarus Review

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Machinima.com Inside Gaming

Rumor: Xbox 720 Blu-Ray Enabled, Always Online
Hey I can make up Xbox details too…   Continue >>
Kid Icarus: Uprising Review
Bitches don't know 'bout my Uprising…   Continue >>
Battlefield 3 Patch Out for 360
Rent a console to prove how hardcore you are…   Continue >>
Arkham City Harley Quinn DLC Might be Coming
Nude patch to follow by, like, two hours…   Continue >>
Superbrothers Sword & Sworcery EP Coming to PC
But... not the Mac? Hahahaha…   Continue >>
On Yesterday's IGDaily:
B... Battlefront 3?   Watch Now >>
Your Daily YouSaid Question:
Adrian Torres ‏(@Chunky_2336):
do you think the rating of games (I.E. M & T) affect game sales?
Lawrence "Breathe With Me" Sonntag (@InsideGaming):
Damn that's a good question. I'd guess that they do, but not to the point that it's a motivating factor for games to change their content. I talked with several parents when I worked at Gamestop that just flat out wouldn't let their kids play games higher than Teen -- more power to em by the way, that just means the ESRB works.
And before you go, here is the best picture ever:

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